Career Development Events and Trainings
Career development is the cornerstone to a successful career in TESL education. In this section you will find information about events and courses designed to enhance in-demand skills, and increase your employability. Strengthen your employment journey with events such as the annual career connections and career fair, or upskill with the CLB bootcamp, PBLA training or Post TESL Certificate courses.
Mentoring Events
Live Career Development Webinars
Live Career Development Webinars
TESL Ontario members have access to all TESL Ontario webinars for FREE as a benefit of membership. TESL Ontario webinars are also available to non-members for a fee of $30+taxes for each webinar

Live Webinar
TESL Career Navigation Tips
Sponsored by Change it UP
- Presenter: Kiara Kim
- Aired: January 24, 2024
Are you ready to take charge of your career growth? Are you wondering how to stand out from the crowd? If so, join our presenter as she delves into comprehensive career navigation tips, insights, and strategies gleaned from hiring managers in the ELT sector.
From resume optimization to tips on advancing into managerial positions, this webinar will equip you with the essential tools to navigate the intricacies of the job market and empower your individual professional journey.
During this webinar you will:
– acquire a comprehensive understanding of the essential skills, competencies, and experiences sought in the ELT sector,
– gain practical strategies for preparing application material, and
– develop a toolkit of job search tips & strategies.
TESL Ontario Mentorship Pilot Program
In a series of moderated virtual events, a group of seasoned TESL professionals from a variety of sectors within the field will be available to provide guidance, advice and best practices to newer educators in search of mentorship.
Mentors will be seated in virtual breakout rooms identified by individual program types. The group will meet as a whole for introductions and a guided discussion before being placed in the virtual breakout rooms identified in their registration for more in-depth Q&A opportunities and conversation.
Each Mentorship Event will last for one hour.
Roundtables and breakout rooms will feature mentors from LINC and Adult ESL, EAP, ELT/OSLT, Test Preparation Instruction and Standard Test Examination. Please note: available sectors may vary at individual Mentorship Events.
TESL Ontario Mentorship Events are held four times per year. Watch your email for announcements about upcoming events in February, May, September and December!
Career Connections Event
Career Fair
Career Connections Event
Held each year during our Annual Conference, TESL Ontario’s Career Booster Forum provides valuable advice and resources for those in the ESL field looking to advance their careers, find meaningful employment within the sector or start their career journeys.
Under the guidance of our Manager of Accreditation Services and a dedicated committee of industry experts, the Career Booster Forum provides advice and assistance in key areas of the career journey, including:
- Resume Writing
- Interview Skills
- Salary & Benefits Negotiation
- The Hidden Job Market
- Networking
- The Career Booster Forum is open to all TESL Ontario Annual Conference attendees.
Career Fair at TESL Ontario Conference
Each year during our Annual Conference, TESL Ontario presents the Career Connections Career Fair. This valuable event helps employers find the right ESL sector candidates and connects our members and conference attendees with exciting career and employment options.
With over 1000 ESL professionals from across Ontario and beyond in attendance at the Annual Conference, this is an unparalleled networking and recruiting opportunity for ESL employers.
The Career Connections Career Fair is FREE of charge for both employers and candidates!
CLB Bootcamp
PBLA Training
PTCT Courses
CLB Bootcamp
The Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) describe 12 levels of ability in each of four different language skills – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The CLB are used in Canada to describe the language ability of people who are learning English. For each language skill, you receive a separate benchmark, and this benchmark indicates how well you can function in that language skill.
There are three stages in the CLB. Stage I covers basic language ability (benchmarks 1 to 4). Stage II covers intermediate language ability (benchmarks 5 to 8). Stage III covers advanced language ability (benchmarks 9 to 12).
Many adult ESL programs use the Canadian Language Benchmarks to ensure that students learn the communication skills that are needed for daily life in Canada. It is important for you to understand the meaning of your CLB level if you plan to take an ESL or LINC class, enroll in a bridge training program, look for work or study at a college or university in Canada.
PBLA Training
Portfolio-Based Language Assessment (PBLA) is a teaching and assessment model designed to enhance nationwide consistency and standards of quality in English as a Second Language (ESL) training for adult newcomers to Canada.
PBLA is grounded in recognized best practices in language instruction and assessment for adults. It is aligned to the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB), Canada’s national standard for describing, measuring and recognizing the ESL proficiency of adult immigrants and prospective immigrants.
Post TESL Certificate Training (PTCT) Courses
Online/Blended Language Training Using Moodle (LearnIT2teach Stage 3)
- New Language Solutions Inc.
- Online
- 25-30 hours
The focus of this course is using Moodle, an open-source learning management system, to support best practices in blended learning and settlement language training. Participants are introduced to adapting Moodle…
Developing e-Materials for Language Training – LearnIT2teach Stage 4
- New Language Solutions Inc.
- Online
- 25-30 hours
Participants learn to create online language learning activities during Stage 4 of the LearnIT2teach training. Stage 4 is delivered online; however, participants should first attend a face-to-face Stage 1 workshop…